The Eid is always a blessed time of joyful gatherings and celebrations with family and friends.

This year our joy is manifold: we are celebrating two occasions: the Eid Alkebir and the 16th year of operation of Hospital 57357

On the 7th of July 2023, we shall celebrate the 16th anniversary of Hospital 57357’s inception. Thousands of children who have defeated cancer and  have returned back to their normal lives, received education, graduated and started a new life, will be celebrating with us.

Nevertheless, there are many children who are still fighting the disease and who dream of cure and happiness. Since the start of the project, we  are making plans according to evidence-based practices, we are improving our performance, and we are accomplishing what we have planned for. We have gained worldwide recognition and appreciation .

This month we celebrated the graduation of a cohort of 13 trainees enrolled in the international program of contagious diseases and infection control that was organized by St. Jude’s Global  School, in cooperation with Hospital 57357.

57357’s participation in this program is considered a worldwide recognition of its potential as an accredited training center.

As an affirmation of 57357’s leadership in clinical pharmacy, this month we offered training to the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Texas University.

This year we have also launched the Cyberknife unit which is considered a leap in the radiotherapy domain. We are getting ready to open the proton therapy building, and expand the bone marrow transplantation unit which will contribute to saving a larger number of critical and relapsing cases.

We are improving the performance of our departments through the continuous upgrading of our equipment, labs and rooms. Some of our research studies are published in major international journals. We have saved lives of critical cases, carried out critical and sophisticated surgeries, besides offering education and training the next generation of professionals.

Our dreams for our children will never come to an end. As such, this constitutes a big load, and the cost is huge, but we are committed to sustaining the provision of best  quality care and the continuous  development and progress, as we believe that our children deserve the best.

We don’t just offer treatment, we are committed to offering our children a healthy environment, according to the Quran verse: “By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allah’s Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allah’s Cause) of that which you love”

From the depth of our hearts, our survivors’ hearts and the hearts of those who are still fighting and dreaming of cure, we thank you for your trust, and your determination to support our children amid harsh circumstances.

We wish you a happy and blessed feast.

“ But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] – He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers.”