Shorouk who is one of 57357’s heroes, is in grade 6 of primary school.
When you chat with her you feel you are talking to a mature person with a serene smiley face. She’s coming from Alsharkeia governorate and she has one brother who is in grade three of preparatory school. Her father is an employee while her mother is a house wife.
During a meeting with Dr. Wael Zekry, pediatric oncology consultant in 57357, he said that”all the sick children are heroes as they bravely deal with their illness and endure the harsh treatment. Each and everyday our children in the Hospital give us a lesson on patience, strength and hope.
Shorouk is one of the heroes who surprised me with the way she dealt with illness. She had a tumor on the right kidney. The tumor was removed and she was administered chemotherapy and today she received the last dose. What is remarkable about Shorouk is that she used to discuss the details of her disease with me and ask me about the treatment’s next step.
Every time she visits me in the Hospital she makes sure to receive answers to all of her inquiries, she took the responsibility of following up on her condition since her parents cannot read and write”
Shorouk: I wish to recover quickly so I can go back to my school
Chatting with Shorouk, she shared: when I was admitted to the Hospital I was afraid that the pain won’t stop and I feared the treatment. After the surgery I felt better and after the first chemotherapy dose I was tired but Dr. Zekry encouraged me and told me that my condition is improving. I decided to inquire about all of my treatment details and he used to answer alI my queries including the next test date after each dose to remind my parents about it. When I receive medications from the Hospital’s pharmacy, the pharmacist informs me about medications doses and schedule and answers all my questions.. I am happy today for having completed my chemotherapy treatment.
About her studies, Shorouk says: currently I cannot go to school but my cousin teaches me at home and I go to school only for exams. I love my school a lot and wish to recover to go back to it. I want to become a teacher when I grow up to teach many children how to read. Learning is a way to understand many things in life and to achieve dreams.
Shorouk: I love my friends and wish to see Hamada Helal
Dr. Zekry, Mr. Ahmed and Ms. Ghada are my friends. I love Dr. Zekry because he explains everything to me, and I call him when I get pain, as he reassures me and tells me what to do. Mr. Ahmed from the day care admin, used to play and laugh with me all the time. Ms. Ghada who is a nurse in the day care used to sit beside me to talk, play and laugh together. Everyone is nice to me, but those three are my close friends. I wish if Hamada Helal comes to visit the Hospital as I love his singing.
At the end of our conversation she sent a message to the Hospital’s children saying “do not be afraid, be patient, and God will grant us healing, at 57357, they exert their utmost to treat us and to grant us happiness as well.
We wish Shorouk a quick recovery, God willing. .